Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I thought I was over him and I thought we could be friends, I want it to be something more but I don't think it will happen again. He made me laugh, he made me cry, he made me fall in love so deep inside. How do I express what I feel inside. Is our love lost? Did I miss my chance? Do I just walk away and ignore the pain I feel inside. You will forever be in my heart even if its as friends. But I long for you till the day I die.



  1. Hi Nikki,
    I can see from your posting that you are not having a good day and are just imagining that your relationship is over.
    Are you sure he wants it to be over? Are you sure you are not reading too much into his words? Think and pray hard about it and you will get an answer.
    I will tell you my story some time. It is funny.

  2. Actually it was a poem.. Has nothing to do with my relationship. This is actually something that I have felt for another person. I just found out he is in the hospital and its just hard watching him with another girl. Things as of right now are over and yes I am happy and been happy. Not in a bad mood. I thought my feelings for this person died and just remained friends. But now i'm having second thoughts. It's hard bc yes in his eye's it is over and it sucks because he is with another person and I cannot control that or do anything about it. Thanks for your concern. I wish I was reading into his words but his words are real and true. Which makes things that much harder.
